
PwC Entertainment and Media Outlook 2015-2019

Now in its 16th year, PwC’s annual Global entertainment and media outlook (Outlook) provides a single comparable source of five-year forecast and five-year historic consumer and advertiser spending data and analysis, for 13 entertainment and media segments, across 54 countries.

The data and intuitive online functionality allows you to easily browse, compare and contrast spending, and create charts and graphs; a powerful online tool to help answer important questions shaping our industry.

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It’s increasingly clear that consumers see no significant divide between digital and traditional media: what they want is more flexibility, freedom and convenience in when and how they consume any kind of content. Instead of a divided landscape, what we have is a fluid and multifaceted ecosystem – one where new digital offerings have created a bigger, more diverse content universe, and where digital has accelerated delivery across platforms.Today's entertainment and media companies need to do three things to succeed: Innovate around the product and the user experience. Develop seamless consumer relationships across distribution channels. Put mobile (and increasingly video) at the centre of their consumer offerings.

Understanding where consumers and advertisers are spending their money in the entertainment and media industry can help inform many important business decisions. But being able to find comparable data, for multiple entertainment and media segments and countries and from a single source, can be a challenge. Now in its 16th year, PwC’s annual Global entertainment and media outlook (Outlook) provides a single comparable source of five-year forecast and five-year historic consumer and advertiser spending data and commentary, for 13 entertainment and media segments, across 54 countries. The data and intuitive online functionality allows you to easily browse, compare and contrast spending, and create charts and graphs; a powerful online tool to help answer important questions shaping our industry.

PwC web site explains that their latest edition of the Global entertainment and media outlook reveals that total worldwide entertainment and media revenues will rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% over the coming five years, from US$1.74trn in 2014 to US$2.23trn in 2019.

El sector español de Entretenimiento y Medios ve alejarse la crisis económica y vislumbra un periodo de cinco años alentador –con un crecimiento estimado del 3,9% CAGR –, lleno de apasionantes retos como los que te presentamos en esta decimosexta edición de nuestro estudio anual Entertainment and Media Outlook 2015-2019 - España.

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